It's easy to see that I am not a web developer, and I'm not trying to be!
I'm just a person who was learning HTML to increase my value in my work,
and then I became fascinated by the many pieces that make up the puzzle
of a website.
What you'll see here is evidence of my learning journey. It's really rough around
the edges, but as I learn I make updates and every now and then refresh this site
to reflect the updates I've been making while I learn.
Now, I've never been a techie. Truth be told, I didn't own a TV until my daughter was
two, and I held out on getting a cell phone for years after they were commonplace.
But I've been able to learn using FILL OUT THIS INFO AND ADD LINK TO IT. Between THIS and
MicroSoft's Copilot, I'm starting to feel like there's nothing I can't do.